Episode 3

Selling at a social distance with intelligent interactions – Understanding what's possible

Senior marketers Suzanne Maybury and Timothy Roberts join Jamie Worrall to discuss how to respond to the changing B2B sales and marketing landscape by leveraging technology like intelligent interactions.

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Your host
Jamie Worrall

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The experts

Jamie Worrall
Client Partner, Aamplify
Jamie is an expert at transforming customer experiences and building sales pipelines. A B2B marketer with over 15 years of experience, she is passionate about helping companies reach their full potential using brand storytelling, marketing and technology.
Suzanne Maybury
Director at Magnify Marketing
Suzanne is an award-winning senior marketer with extensive experience in marketing strategy, brand identity, integrated campaign development, digital and social communications, and public relations.
Timothy Roberts
Head of Marketing at Blerter
Tim is a data-driven, technical marketer with extensive experience working in the B2B space with a range of technology companies and startups.

Continue learning

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    End-to-end virtual events
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