Even with a super marketing team behind you, it can really supplement your marketing efforts to have a third party look at what you're putting out there objectively, and critique it honestly. An outsider (who doesn't need to worry about losing their job by saying the wrong thing) might be the first to tell you something that should have been said a long time ago.
Here are 3 big reasons why getting a fresh set of eyes on the work your internal marketing team is doing, could be the solution to getting the results you want.
1. Sometimes your marketing is just too close to home to be effective.
Your brand is understandably close to your heart, especially if you built it yourself. You might know it inside an
d out. This can result in great consistency—but sometimes too much consistency can end up getting stale. If people get conditioned to seeing or hearing the same thing over and over, they're going to tune it out. You need to shake things up in order to get a reaction.
Even if your business has been fairly immune to big technological or economical shifts, and even if you've been providing similar products / services for decades, the way that you communicate your message and your story needs to evolve with time. There are more marketing platforms out there than ever before, and each one demands content tailored to its delivery method.
After all, they say the definition of madness is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results.
2. You might be missing what the real story is.
There is more than one way to miss the mark when it comes to telling your story. Some people are actually too humble about their achievements, while others get focused on the wrong thing or an achievement that happened so long ago that it's no longer relevant.
Imagine walking past a hair salon that still has a sign in its window advertising that it won the '2014 People's Choice Award'. That was probably great marketing for them at the time, and it probably helped get plenty of new business in the year that followed. But now that it's four years later, resting their laurels on a dated achievement might actually be telling the wrong story and working against them. Internally, that's probably still an achievement worth celebrating, but those passing by are likely wondering, "What did you do wrong, to stop people choosing you in 2015, 2016 and 2017?".
Sometimes you need someone to see things from the same angle as your audience, to help you focus on what gets prospects engaging.
3. To tell great stories, even great writers need great editors.
Even if you don't think you need a content overhaul, it's amazing what a little tweaking can do for your results. Just adding, switching, or removing one or two words can yield massive changes—we've seen it! But when you try editing something you've written yourself, it can be very difficult to see where comprehension falls short. Since your audience can't get inside your brain, it's a good idea someone else checks to ensure all the important details have been properly conveyed.
We specialise in content creation that resonates with prospects, and inspires action. If you’d like some independent advice on making engaging brand stories, get in touch with one of our client partners.
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