4 min read  | Video

5 corporate video traps (and tips to avoid them)

We can all remember the best video ads we've ever seen. You can probably list at least three off the top of your head, that have made their way through social media. How about terrible video ads? If something is truly atrocious, it might end up becoming viral too. But it won't necessarily leave behind the best brand impression.

What we really mean when we talk about bad business videos, are the ones too boring to commit to memory. They might have been too "canned" or awkward to watch the whole way through. Here are five things bad corporate videos have in common, and tips on how you can do better.

1. It doesn't tell a story

Humans have been telling stories since we first learned how to communicate with each other. It's one of the most personal ways to engage your audience. If your corporate video isn't telling a story, it's unlikely people will be interested enough to finish it, never mind sharing it with others. 

The story you choose to tell about your business could be on how your company began, a significant challenge you overcame, how you solved one of your customer's problems, or an overview of one of your products. No matter what your story is about, it should be genuine, engaging, and on-brand.

2. It isn't emotional, real, or relatable

Whether it's a tear-jerker or a gut-buster, corporate video marketing is about finding an emotional element to help it resonate. Connecting with your audience emotionally is video's key benefit. Videos that don't, miss that engagement and its ability to inspire action.

Make sure the characters in your video are as believable as they are entertaining. Characters don't need to be fictional or a member of your sales team (though that can work really well when done right). Even your company can be a 'character'. Just ensure characters are relatable and connect emotionally.

While it's okay to stretch things a bit, make sure whatever you include is still based on reality. Lying is not going to build customer loyalty. Humour can be a useful strategy as well, provided its done tastefully, and fits with your brand's image or the story you're telling.

3. It doesn't make the most of the medium

The medium you use to tell your story, changes the way you tell it. For example, using a website to tell your story means you'd need to consider; layout, design, images, language, and tone. Business videos however, also require; characters, dialogue, music, visual elements, timing, etc.

Even with a good story, there are a lot more elements that need to be taken into account to turn it into a compelling video. We strongly recommend having your script written by a professional (like a member of Aamplify's storytelling team).

4. It doesn't solve a problem

All stories have some sort of struggle, conflict or issue that is first encountered and then overcome. Your character(s) should share the same pain points as your audience for the struggle to be relevant. During the video, you should provide a solution to their problem. The solution should be tied to your call-to-action(CTA). Failing to provide a CTA is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in a video campaign.

5. It doesn't offer any surprises

No one likes tv or movie spoilers. If you already know what's going to happen, it sucks the fun out of watching it! It's the building of excitement, the unpredictable plot twists and turns, that keep eyes glued to the screen to see what comes next.

The best corporate videos always include something unexpected too. If you can reward customers by surprising them with something delightful, they'll be more inclined to share it with others. They'll also be more likely to tune into your next video campaign, to find what other tricks are up your sleeve.

The team at Aamplify makes video marketing campaigns that are worth watching. Whether you need help with scripting, directing, recording, or creating the whole package, our team can orchestrate a video solution that's unique to your company's needs.