5 min read

Our Take on HubSpot’s New Content Hub

In our B2B content marketing universe, the recent release of HubSpot’s Content Hub is big news. Formerly CMS Hub, this product revamp champions new features that will save you (and your team) time and facilitate seamless collaboration, all while maintaining a meticulously crafted brand voice.

This blog will give you a quick rundown of the shiny new content creation solutions within Content Hub. Plus, Aamplify’s Content Specialist, Jasmin Shields, shares her expert insights on how she sees this release impacting businesses and content marketing workflows as a whole. So, let’s get stuck into the good stuff.

What will I find in Content Hub?

Content Hub’s new features and functionality are based on their users' pain points and developed around an acute understanding of the content marketing landscape. HubSpot’s Spotlight release states, “Today, customers are everywhere. Their purchase path is fragmented across multiplying channels, and marketers are left facing two major challenges: reach and relevance. And while marketing continues to be the primary driver for a B2B business’s ROI, the bar is rising: They need to efficiently meet customers wherever they are, and do it with quality content that’s on brand and valuable. In fact, over half of content marketers are struggling to meet demands. On average, they’re being tasked with producing five different types of content, and switching between five different tools to do it.”

Essentially, HubSpot has kitted out a workspace with AI tools that support us mere mortals with the heavy lifting of the content creation process. This new AI lineup includes:

  1. AI Content Creation to make quality multilingual content creation simple—from generating ideas, to writing blog posts, to creating images.
  2. Content Remix to easily create a full pipeline of content based on a single asset. 
  3. Brand Voice to define and generate content that has a consistent brand voice — from blogs, to social, to email.
  4. Podcast Audio Tooling & Post Narration to create, host, and distribute podcasts and post narration to turn text into audio for better content accessibility.

Will I actually use Content Hub’s New AI features?

To answer this burning question (and a few more), we sat down with Jasmin Sheilds, one of our Platform Specialists, who just finished training up on all the new and improved Content Hub release. In true HubSpot fashion, there’s a lot packed into this Hub, so Jasmin has been kind enough to cherry-pick the bits we think are worth prioritising.

What Content Hub feature will be the most impactful for content marketers?
“I'm excited about Content Remix, a tool that effortlessly repurposes a single existing asset into multiple iterations for your chosen placements. I think this will be a considerable time and resource saver, especially for lean teams who will be empowered to reach wider audiences. It's also an excellent tool for new channel exploration with low lift investment.

“Big picture, I'm really passionate about enablement, and these new features make it a whole lot easier for clients—especially when resources are limited. I can see the adoption of Content Remix and these other new AI tools benefiting a wide range of businesses.”

With so many AI tools in the market already, how does HubSpot stack up?
“I sense that there is some fair scepticism around AI, which, in my opinion, is driven by the pace at which it's becoming increasingly integrated into our lives. However, HubSpot has a strong AI ethics framework, and marketers can benefit from using AI to become more efficient in their work by viewing it as an extra pair of hands rather than a replacement for a human.  

“I think this AI advantage is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses looking to maximise their return on investment. Tools like Brand Voice enable businesses to maintain consistency, which is noteworthy when different content creators are involved in the content creation process. It reduces dilution in your brand voice but allows you to keep up the pace in generating content.”

How can companies assess whether Content Hub is right for them?
“Before adopting any new AI tools—HubSpot or otherwise—it’s best practice to thoroughly assess resources, legal issues, future requirements, and expectations. If you're already happy with the tools you're using, consider the inevitable learning curve (though not too steep in this case) and the change management process required.

“There's a lot to navigate, not only new features and tools but also your current technology stack. If you want to get your hands on the new features, a Professional HubSpot subscription is where you'll need to start looking. Engaging with HubSpot specialists can also help you determine what might be best for your business.”

What’s top of mind for you in the AI marketing space?
“I'd love to see more accessibility-based tools!

“For web content to be considered accessible, all users should be able to access the information presented, regardless of their impairments and abilities. In my experience, accessibility often falls to the wayside in priorities—I'd love to see the power of AI used to help guide users, especially those who are not so tech-savvy, to create more accessible content.”

Content Hub AI is still in its infancy, but we’re at that exciting point of possibility and creativity. Clever marketers are working out how to make these tools work for them; we all compare notes and then level up collectively. At this point, it’s not a matter of if you’re using AI; it’s how, so we’re pretty keen to give these tools a go at every opportunity and see for ourselves what they can do.

Looking for someone to guide your business through all things HubSpot? 
Book a consultation with the Aamplify experts here