Given this over-saturation of 'ad noise', it's no wonder that consumers are getting fed up with the intrusive, interruptive, and impersonal nature of old-school outbound marketing tactics. It's overwhelming them, and since their 'attention bandwith' is very limited to begin with, methods like cold calling, direct mail campaigns, and purchased email lists are the first things they're going to tune out.
It's been shown that today's customers respond much better to an inbound marketing approach, where there is a time and a place for ads, and those ads respect the main purpose for why buyers are providing their attention in the first place—they have a problem, and they're looking for the right solution.
While there are plenty of platforms out there that can be used to help manage an inbound marketing campaign, HubSpot is definitely one of our favourites. Here are 4 ways that you can leverage HubSpot to get better ROI and ditch those old-school marketing tactics for good.
If you don't have a true grasp of who is accessing your content, where it's being shared, or the new leads it's generated, chances are your campaign efforts are not as effective as they could be. You need to know how many leads a piece of content is generating, how that content translates into customers, and how much each of those contacts is costing you. If your content isn't performing, you need to know that as well, so that you can figure out what needs to be done differently to improve it.
HubSpot has a host of tracking tools embedded in it which can help you to measure those indicators. You should be checking in them on a monthly or quarterly basis (at the very least), and then use the results to focus your efforts on tweaking your campaigns in ways that'll get you more bang for your buck.
Content marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand. You can create heaps of content for your website, but if it isn't actually speaking the same language as your ideal customers, then chances are it's not going to show up in their search results.
HubSpot's keyword search tool can help you to target the key words and phrases your target audience is most likely to use when they're searching for the product or service solution you offer. Once your key search terms have been identified, it'll take a bit of finessing to actually incorporate them into your content. Just be sure to do it meaningfully and truthfully or those customers are going to bounce. It's actually a lot harder than it sounds, and you may need some professional help from an SEO content marketing expert to get the results you're looking for.
Blog posts shouldn't be the only content you offer to your audience. Words aren't everyone's preferred (nor are they the most effective) method for receiving information. Your content will resonate better when it caters to multiple audience learning styles and incorporates a mix of video, audio, and imagery to back up your written messaging.
However, trying to manage all of these different pieces of content across many different platforms by yourself is, quite frankly, impossible. It's just too much data to process and there are just too many moving parts that need to be connected.
Using HubSpot to manage and automate these tasks is not only easier, it's cheaper than paying a human to do it (regardless of whether your marketing happens in-house or through an external marketing agency). Plus, the less time your team spends manually administrating your marketing campaign, the more time you'll free up for them to complete the higher value tasks that require more brainpower to accomplish.
While its much more difficult to get something started than it is to keep it rolling, you still need to keep it rolling. When you publish content on your blog or social media channels infrequently, you'll confuse your audience and you won't be able to hang on to your SEO ranking. Producing content just for the sake of content won't get you ROI either. While how much you post is definitely important, consistency wins over frequency every time.
HubSpot's calendar tool can help you in two ways: you can use it to plan ahead and manage the topics you plan to create content around, and you can use it to help keep you accountable to a consistent publishing schedule.
Once you decide on a publishing schedule, be sure to stick to it. If you know you can only actually publish content once per week but want to post three times per week, plan on doing the former. You can always create more content when time allows, but at least you'll be consistent with pushing out a post each and every week.
While HubSpot is a really powerful content marketing tool, it isn't the right fit for everyone. Our team of content marketing experts can help you figure out if Hubspot will get you the ROI you're looking for, or if there is a better solution out there for your business. Get in touch with our team to find out more.
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